- Built-in Relay port for annunciator
- Continuous signal during alarm
- Built-in battery charger
- Low/no power and battery detection
- Automatic loading and testing of battery
- Battery lead reversal protection
- Evacuate (alarm resound)
- Led test
- Built-in Battery Charger
- Input Voltage: 240V AC (50 Hz/60 Hz) ± 10%
- Battery: 24V DC
- Charging Voltage Protection: 1.6 Ah Glass Fuse
- Sounder Output: 24 V Nominal EOL 10K Resistor
- Auxiliary Contracts: 30V DC, 1A max.
- Main Supply Protection: Glass Fuse
- Sounder Protection: 2 x 500 mA Glass Fuse
- Reverse Battery Protection: Charger Glass Fuse
- Zone EOL: 5.6K Resistor
- Zoned Visual: Red: Alarm; Yellow: Trouble Indicators
- Color: Grey + Ivory
Please click at the link below to access the Brochure
Brochure: https://tinyurl.com/ALBox-FA2406A
Please click at the link below to access the user manual.
User Manual: https://tinyurl.com/Manual-FA2406A